Welcome to the pages dedicated to Light and working with it

                  for the benefit of the beings of our World

"Light - Love - Universe - God...

                       Many names for our world's purest and strongest force"

Let me invite you to the festivals:

      Astrovíkend                                            Miluj Svůj život   

        20.-21.5. 2023                                                     27.-28.5. 2023                                                    v Zámku                                                          KC Zahrada Malenická 1784                  Litomyšl                                                                          Praha                                                                                                              


 I will have a stand here with my products, so you will be able to see them directly and assess whether they will be of help to you or not.

You will be able to try new products for free: Chakra Light Cards for cleaning and energizing the chakras.

I will also give a lecture here

- Heart in Light -

the basis of spiritual ascent, the influence of self-acceptance, and therefore our vibration, on the events around us, on relationships, on the search for a partner. A simple exercise for self-acceptance.

Meditační večer

s meditací Napojení srdce na Absolutní lásku

v Kamenném vesmíru

                                                                                                         Kde: Nádražní 520/68, 15000 Praha 5 - Smíchov                                                                                             Kdy: .. 2023 od 18.30 hodin

                                                               prosím účast zajistit s předstihem, počet účastníků je omezen

Free meditation

Basic part of meditation "Connecting the heart to absolute love"

For the cultivation of self-love and the rediscovery of your inner Light, which is the basis for any further Path to the perception and acceptance of Divine love and the love of the environment, partner,..., I am making available to you the first part of this jewel of mine, which I brought from ancient the history of when I was a monk in the mountains and from which many subsequent meditations are based. I wish you beautiful days of well-understood lessons. The meditation can be downloaded below the article. A wonderful friend and very gentle being, Eliška Gottfriedová, received permission to further distribute this basic part, and I am very grateful to her for her efforts in working with the Light.více... 


I am looking for suitable and pleasant stores for commission sales for my Light Helpers :-)

If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me ;-)